Kleppen stellen

Ring voor klepdeksel

Special washer with rubber ring


Valve clearance adjustment 2 cylinder

Check and adjust the valve clearances each 7.500 km (4,500 mile) when the engine is cold. Clearance cap must be adjusted to 0,20 mm (.008 inch) inlet valves and the exhaust valves.


Disconnect the battery for safety reason.
Remove the funnel and the breather tube.
Lift away the air cleaner of the carburetter.
Put a cover over the carburetter.
Unscrew the cylinder head cover retaining nuts (M7) and lift away the cover.
Remove the 2 spark plugs.
Remove the Dynastarter cover and the rubber inspection cover.


Valve adjustment

Step 1
Check the present valve clearances.
Check the surface of the camshaft and rockers.

Step 2
Slacken the valve adjuster locknuts and using a large screwdriver and feeler gauge to reset the valve clearances to 0,20 mm (0.008 inch) and check the clearances. The exhaust valves can be adjusted on max. 0,25 mm of 0,010 inch.

Step 3
Replace the spark plugs and connections.
Check the sealing pugs cylinder head bolts and replace them if necessary.
Clean the rocker cover gasket and the aluminium surfaces of cylinder head and cover. Use a smal amount of Elring Dirko HT sealing compound to refit the cover gasket.

Important fitting information cover gasket

When the rocker cover is fitted and tighten with the 2 M7 nuts, it is necessary when the engine runs and are getting warm, to retighten the 2 nuts again.
Check the 2 nuts after 500 km again.

Attention for
